A downloadable game

"You Are the Amulet" -- 7DRL 2022 entry.

The Amulet of Yendor -- stolen from the Wizard of Yendor in both Rogue and Nethack -- just wants to get back to the Wizard. You, the Amulet, will possess anyone who holds you, and you can have your host toss you to new creatures if you think they have something you want.

Watch out, though -- all weapons and magic items wear out with use.

If you want to play it in glorious 1280x768, clone it from GitHub! It uses only Python 3.9 and Pygame 2.1.2. Go to its folder and run

`python3 main.py`

If you want to play it in the browser, I made a cut down version that works on Trinket.io, but it seems to have problems beyond just the small viewport size. Press the "Run" button at the top of the window, and if it crashes, give it another shot.

Now that the 7DRL judging is over, I have closed the Trinket.io account so I can afford GitHub Copilot. Next year, I will be running natively in the browser, one way or the other.

I streamed myself playing it on YouTube. I'm not a streamer, so I apologize for not talking all the time.

This game is based on code I wrote for Advent of Code, 2021, which I then extended to form a roguelike game engine for this game. Full development logs for both the game and the game engine are here, on my blog.


amulet.zip 14 MB
amulet_1.1.zip 14 MB
amulet_1.2.zip 12 MB

Install instructions

Unfortunately, I was not able to get py2exe, pygame2exe, pyinstaller etc working in time before the challenge ended. There is a browser-playable version in the description.

To play it as intended, you will need Python 3.9 and Pygame 2.1.2. Unzip the files and run it with the command 'python3 main.py'.

Development log


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Where is the .EXE file to play the game ? 

I wasn't able to make one that worked on more computers than mine. I know your comment was some time ago, but I am soon going to port it to the Phaser game engine and then it will be playable by everyone.

Great, thANK you! (I accidentally hit CAPS LOCK when writing "thANK" and instead of correcting I am writing this)

How is the porting project going ? 

Hello, I'm checking in to see how it's going 
So how is it going ?


Hey, kind of a neat concept for a game, looks like it has potential. A few points:

* Requiring people to actually run the game through python/pygame is kind of a big barrier for entry. There are tools like py2exe which can package it into a more convenient format.
* Are those assets ripped directly from FFT and Chrono Trigger? That kind of thing isn't great, and you could be sued (at least if you ever make any money).
* I got stuck on the third tutorial. After throwing the Amulet over to the archer and shooting the sprite, nothing else happend and I didn't seem to be able to move on.

Thanks! Yes, these are ripped sprites and I am unfortunately aware that I can't take this game any further.

You were supposed to throw the amulet back to the main character and then kill the archer. Maybe I should just not have had the second tutorial window -- it was the last thing I added to the game and it fell prone to ME knowing what to do, but perhaps nobody else.

I didn't have much luck with py2installer. Py2exe didn't look like it supported Python 3.

Thanks again for the pointers!

I did try to throw the amulet back but it said I was out of range. I think I tried to attack first so that may have messed it up?

You always end up with some blind spots like that in a game which is why getting other people to play it is a great idea :)

I had one playtester prior and he had other issues. I am uploading a fix now for both those issues.

I'd moved the last room to the first room so I could get a screenshot -- just uploaded the reversion so that it is in its proper place.